Happy New Year! Time to find the OLD you.
Welcome to 2019! A new year to face new challenges and new opportunities.
Unfortunately, most of us limp around complaining of various aches and pains which limits our quality of life. We have been convinced that each year on the calendar means we become weaker and slower and less able to enjoy the things of our youth. While it is true that aging does have some of this effect, the majority of problem lies in gradual changes to our bodies that, over time, have had a crippling effect. In short, we don’t get weaker because we age, we get weaker because we have stopped using many or our muscles. This leads to a weakening of the entire system and an over-reliance on a select few muscle groups. The good news is that you can begin to strengthen those muscles, coordinate them again and find yourself moving like you haven’t moved in a long time.
When we are born our bodies are programmed to utilize our posterior chain muscles, our core muscles, and our back muscles. Watch the way very small children move and walk. They have a very straight posture with bent knees and the hips functioning as a hinge. As we start school and spend more and more time in chairs we reprioritize our musculature and begin neglecting vast groups of muscles, the neural pathways atrophy along with the muscle fibers and they forget how to contract effectively.
The ancient Chinese understood this natural posture and recently some in modern exercise science have rediscovered it. Using a combination of both, there is a method of regaining what time and under-use have done to our bodies.
It’s 2019, and its time to find the body you were born with, which has become buried under years of poor movement patterns. You have nothing to lose except the aches and pains of 2018.